Here we go...
1. what happened to us? We used to be so close, the best of friends and now... what? I really want to hang out with you get back to that friendship thing but it's hard. I think I'm the one pushing you away and it hurts me but I don't know how to stop. I'm so so sorry. You can't know how sorry I am.
2. I really liked talking to you yesterday. It was nice that you actually cared. I really value your advice, more than I show and I love how you can be real with me. I love you.
3. Why can't you understand? Acting isn't just a hobby, it's my life!! No, I will not skip practice to go to coffee with you even if it's "just a school play". I got a lead. You didn't. Sorry. That doesn't mean i'm gonna shirk off my responsibilities.
4. There's something about you. You are always so arguementitive *spelling?* Just saying whatever to piss me off. We are friends but I don't think we'll ever be besties. Who knows though?
5. Your my rock thanks for always being there and being supportive. I think this is understood between us but I thought I'd mention it anyways.
6. You are a complicated person but you are very cool. I like you as a fellow artist, a friend, and sometimes as a kind of therapist. I won't leave you behind ever.
7. Please, for once, understand me. Help me do this so I can be happy. I might just die if you do "what's right" by you. It's my life when will you let me live it.
8. I don't get it! Have the time your so supportive and then, just like that, i turn around and your putting me down and stepping on my dreams. Get it straight or Fuck off.
9. Remeber me. Don't change into one of those dumb, blonde, makeup plastered, slutty stuck ups. Remeber the times we were free. Remeber not to care about what everyone else thinks. Take every peice of advice i gave you and remeber it. Or else who knows what will happen.
10. I don't have much else to right, atleast no more treacherys. But look out for a big blog comeing your way folks! I've got some things to vent...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Joni Mitchell, you are too cool.
I'm listening to California
but I also love All I Want and many other fantastic pieces by her. She is so inspiring she fills me with hope. I'm kinda pissed right now cause my imagination is being really cruel. It keeps righting masterpieces in my head and then NOT REMBERING THEM LATER!!! But anywho my writings is alittle choppy right now I keep rigting a few great verses or lines then not being able to finish. Grrr. But I am almost done with my second full length song (the first one was crap) and I'm actually pretty proud of it. I can hear the vocal tune in my head and maybe I'll get my dad to help with some simple guitar cords I can play with it. That would be loverly. Oh and in other news I did a workshop this weekend called the Young Americans (you may have heard of them) it was such a great experience I met alot of great talented role models and it just futered my inspiration to perform. This is my personal philosophy:
I think we should all strive to change the world. I believe the best way to go about this is to share your story with others, really tare down your boundries and bare your soul, and maybe,just maybe people will listen. And maybe, just maybe they'll be effected and when thhat starts to happen that's when you change the world.
And this is my fav quote of mine:
When we stop looking for peace and hapiness we stop living.
So I'm going to go and try to finish a few poems(hopefully) and then try and sleep (doubtful) so yeah
but I also love All I Want and many other fantastic pieces by her. She is so inspiring she fills me with hope. I'm kinda pissed right now cause my imagination is being really cruel. It keeps righting masterpieces in my head and then NOT REMBERING THEM LATER!!! But anywho my writings is alittle choppy right now I keep rigting a few great verses or lines then not being able to finish. Grrr. But I am almost done with my second full length song (the first one was crap) and I'm actually pretty proud of it. I can hear the vocal tune in my head and maybe I'll get my dad to help with some simple guitar cords I can play with it. That would be loverly. Oh and in other news I did a workshop this weekend called the Young Americans (you may have heard of them) it was such a great experience I met alot of great talented role models and it just futered my inspiration to perform. This is my personal philosophy:
I think we should all strive to change the world. I believe the best way to go about this is to share your story with others, really tare down your boundries and bare your soul, and maybe,just maybe people will listen. And maybe, just maybe they'll be effected and when thhat starts to happen that's when you change the world.
And this is my fav quote of mine:
When we stop looking for peace and hapiness we stop living.
So I'm going to go and try to finish a few poems(hopefully) and then try and sleep (doubtful) so yeah
On My Own
On My Own
Clinging to Life
begging for death
he whispered me something
on his last sweet breath
And in his words
I heard the sound
That rattles reality
shaking the ground
The words he spoke
so much they meant
gave me a mission
cause his time was spent
At that cross roads
he showed me the way
quietly dieing
Still were he lay
His suffering ended
his journey done
taken from me
I'm on my own
Clinging to Life
begging for death
he whispered me something
on his last sweet breath
And in his words
I heard the sound
That rattles reality
shaking the ground
The words he spoke
so much they meant
gave me a mission
cause his time was spent
At that cross roads
he showed me the way
quietly dieing
Still were he lay
His suffering ended
his journey done
taken from me
I'm on my own
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I would love some hubba bubba thank you...
I haven't blogged in so long! Okay it's been more like less than two weeks but still... Anywho soo much has happened! I signed up for YA (Young Americans) about a month after registration was due... umm yeah that kinda thing happens alot... I've become obsessed with the singing the songs "On My Own" "Memory" and "My Favorite Things". I've barely scraped threw another semester of science. My mom has started to work from home part time and I fear pretty soon she'll stop leaving the house. Then again she is has been acting kinda normal the past few days so who knows maybe she's getting better. I've been basically living at my school the past two weeks, since I got the part in Annie.Literally from 7:20 am to 5:20pm. But i'm enjoying it alot. I've set the wheels in motion at my school to cut out the dissection program. I've escaped from getting three detentions and two groundings. I've joined PETA. And I've lost some wait (and it wasn't like I was fat before) and my mom's freaking out and is trying to force me to eat meat. She says if I'm anemic (a disease in which your iron levels are low a common sideffect from vegitarianism/veganism) i'm gonna have to eat meat, but there is no FREAKIN way! Oh and I got a buncha cruncha stuff from the PETA2 online store, T-shirts, buttons, the whole deal. You guys should check it out! But yeah and umm... I'm bored! Only 1 more day till YA though! YAY! But yeah I'll right later if I feel like it... Oh and Alisha? BLOG! Or email me or someting! So yeah hubba bubba bye:)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Daisy's, Yellow Converse, the Sun, and Erin

How do you like my photography? I love the look of these pictures side by side cause I think I took them exactly 6 months apart and in good old MN there is quite a difference between December and June. And just you know the snow heart wasn't altered in any way. Me and Erin just stumbled upon it... quite literally actually. Which reminds me of one of the original points of this blog... I MISS YOU ERIN!!!!!!!! Just had to say that. Anywho I also would like to speak of my new babies!!! No I didnot get preggers over the weekend!!! I got lemon yellow converse hightops and they are my pressious and I love them. But yeah and now when Alisha, Xander, Hope and I all wear our shoes it looks amazing. Cause of my yellow ones and Hope's pink ones, and Xander has red ones and Alisha black but they switch(sortta like apromise ring for feet). and on a totally unrelated subject... you guys should totally check out Regina Spektor!! She's a new fav of mine and sounds alot like Joanie Mitchell from the 60's so yeah... PEACHES!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Am I the only one who has ever searched an online thesaurus for FUN. Mister Thesaurus's answer:
OK, affirmative, all right, amen, aye, certainly, definitely, even so, exactly, fine, gladly, good, good enough, granted, indubitably, just so, most assuredly, naturally, of course, okay, positively, precisely, sure thing*, surely, true, undoubtedly, unquestionably, very well, willingly, without fail, yea, yep,yes.
Oh just as well then.:)
OK, affirmative, all right, amen, aye, certainly, definitely, even so, exactly, fine, gladly, good, good enough, granted, indubitably, just so, most assuredly, naturally, of course, okay, positively, precisely, sure thing*, surely, true, undoubtedly, unquestionably, very well, willingly, without fail, yea, yep,yes.
Oh just as well then.:)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Quizzle Dizzle
Alisha got me in the mood (that sounds naughty):
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?when im low on battery or money but usually, no.
What time did you get home the past Friday and Saturday? I don't remeber Friday so who knows:) and Saturday around Midnight.
Do you and your best friend have the same cell company? No *weeps* No ones a virgin anymore(-;
What time do you wake up when you go to school? Ughhh like 5:30.
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? More peanut butter!
How many Advils do you take at a time? Who takes Advil anymore?? I'm a Tylonel girl!!! WOOT!
What was the last thing you put in the microwave? Ok don't laugh but... we don't have one. My mom's convinced that the mess with your brain or are radioactive or something.
Do you wear Crocs? Ick. No. GO WILLIAMSLEDD
Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? neither, i jump in it, iv'e told you this before
What's your favorite Gatorade flavor? I haven't had Gatorade in FOREVER. I have a funny story bout that...
It was how I met one of my friends. I asked her if I could have some of her Gatorade. She said sure and right when I was in mid-drink she said "Ohhh by the way, I have mout herpies." I spit it out like all over everywhere and everyone.
What's the last movie you watched and what did you think of it? The Ruttles. And it was HILARIOUS. YOKO WAS A NAZI!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahaha:)
Have you ever dated a guy shorter than you?Ummmm yeah but only by like 1/2 inch.
What is the last thing you touched, other than your computer? Myself. LOL Jk. Ummmm Snow. We had an Epic battle of the Snow balls, Me Alisha and her Fiancee Xander. It was AMAZING.
What's your favorite perfume? Uhhh Either Flowerbomb, Juicy Couture, or Happy by Clinique.
What's your favorite cologne on a guy?certainly not axe. it smells like the umbilicle cord of a recently born horse. (Omg that was my friend August's answer and he is TOTALLY RIGHT.)
Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Not at the moment.
Honestly, how many people have you had STRONG feelings for? Define strong. Because the answer is probably none.
Do you know any triplets? I used to but not currently.
What have you had to drink today? Tons o' stuff. Coffee, Izze, Juice, lemonade, orange juice, milk...
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? like three. I'm insomniatic.
Do you play Guitar Hero? No I suck :(
Do you have Justin Timberlake music on your iPod?i hope not.
Where were you on July 4th, 2007? At Fireworks with friends. We were so HIGH Lol.
Can you sleep in jeans?yes I've done it MANY times
What was the last text message you received?i dont wanna go get my phone. but it was most likely from Jan(a boy)
Describe yourself in one word? insane of maybe hippie!
Who was the last person you were in a car with that is under 20? Alisha caming back from Annie auditions!
Who sits beside you in your 3rd period class? Hope sits right behind me! and I think it's Ben to the left, and my good friend mister wall to the right.
Do you like this person? TOTALLY! SHE's da bird lady!!! We are always up to tom foolery :)
How did you do on the last test you took?swell.
Does everyone on your top friends live in the same place? But they all live in the same state!
What do you think about the last person you texted? Jan is my little polish bitch!!! No he's my bro tho!
Were you dating the last person you kissed?nope.
Where is your boyfriend tonight? Edward the Elephant is having aromp at the MAsquerade(-;
When and where was the last place you held hands?last party. faking an orgy. it didnt work. but it did for us.
Have you read "To Kill a Mockingbird"? Yup.
When was the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends? like today.
How tall is your best friend?5"5 or 5"6
Tell me a secret:no thanks.
Have you ever been called a whore?Like all the time.
Have you ever dated someone named Adam? Yus.
How many texts are in your inbox?i'm not looking.
How many will it hold?like i said.
SOME DAY I'LL STOMP ON THEY'RE FRECKLES!! I have a call back tommorow!!
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?when im low on battery or money but usually, no.
What time did you get home the past Friday and Saturday? I don't remeber Friday so who knows:) and Saturday around Midnight.
Do you and your best friend have the same cell company? No *weeps* No ones a virgin anymore(-;
What time do you wake up when you go to school? Ughhh like 5:30.
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? More peanut butter!
How many Advils do you take at a time? Who takes Advil anymore?? I'm a Tylonel girl!!! WOOT!
What was the last thing you put in the microwave? Ok don't laugh but... we don't have one. My mom's convinced that the mess with your brain or are radioactive or something.
Do you wear Crocs? Ick. No. GO WILLIAMSLEDD
Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? neither, i jump in it, iv'e told you this before
What's your favorite Gatorade flavor? I haven't had Gatorade in FOREVER. I have a funny story bout that...
It was how I met one of my friends. I asked her if I could have some of her Gatorade. She said sure and right when I was in mid-drink she said "Ohhh by the way, I have mout herpies." I spit it out like all over everywhere and everyone.
What's the last movie you watched and what did you think of it? The Ruttles. And it was HILARIOUS. YOKO WAS A NAZI!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahaha:)
Have you ever dated a guy shorter than you?Ummmm yeah but only by like 1/2 inch.
What is the last thing you touched, other than your computer? Myself. LOL Jk. Ummmm Snow. We had an Epic battle of the Snow balls, Me Alisha and her Fiancee Xander. It was AMAZING.
What's your favorite perfume? Uhhh Either Flowerbomb, Juicy Couture, or Happy by Clinique.
What's your favorite cologne on a guy?certainly not axe. it smells like the umbilicle cord of a recently born horse. (Omg that was my friend August's answer and he is TOTALLY RIGHT.)
Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Not at the moment.
Honestly, how many people have you had STRONG feelings for? Define strong. Because the answer is probably none.
Do you know any triplets? I used to but not currently.
What have you had to drink today? Tons o' stuff. Coffee, Izze, Juice, lemonade, orange juice, milk...
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? like three. I'm insomniatic.
Do you play Guitar Hero? No I suck :(
Do you have Justin Timberlake music on your iPod?i hope not.
Where were you on July 4th, 2007? At Fireworks with friends. We were so HIGH Lol.
Can you sleep in jeans?yes I've done it MANY times
What was the last text message you received?i dont wanna go get my phone. but it was most likely from Jan(a boy)
Describe yourself in one word? insane of maybe hippie!
Who was the last person you were in a car with that is under 20? Alisha caming back from Annie auditions!
Who sits beside you in your 3rd period class? Hope sits right behind me! and I think it's Ben to the left, and my good friend mister wall to the right.
Do you like this person? TOTALLY! SHE's da bird lady!!! We are always up to tom foolery :)
How did you do on the last test you took?swell.
Does everyone on your top friends live in the same place? But they all live in the same state!
What do you think about the last person you texted? Jan is my little polish bitch!!! No he's my bro tho!
Were you dating the last person you kissed?nope.
Where is your boyfriend tonight? Edward the Elephant is having aromp at the MAsquerade(-;
When and where was the last place you held hands?last party. faking an orgy. it didnt work. but it did for us.
Have you read "To Kill a Mockingbird"? Yup.
When was the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends? like today.
How tall is your best friend?5"5 or 5"6
Tell me a secret:no thanks.
Have you ever been called a whore?Like all the time.
Have you ever dated someone named Adam? Yus.
How many texts are in your inbox?i'm not looking.
How many will it hold?like i said.
SOME DAY I'LL STOMP ON THEY'RE FRECKLES!! I have a call back tommorow!!
A New Poem
I was really proud of myself for this one and had to put this on here. I worked really hard, the hardest I've worked on a poem in a while. And no one's seen it yet!!!! Not even Alisha, or Hope, or ANYONE! Okeydokey here goes:
The Moon and I
Endless Trees
Poison blue sky
A moonlit face
Hung way up high
We understand each other
The Moon and I
All alone
No stars around
Longingly looking
Toward the ground
We’re not so different
The Moon and I
Lonely journey
On the path oft tread
Doomed to repeat
Until we’re dead
We’re sisters
The Moon and I
Life of monotone
Locked in orbit
It’s the same old story
We’re tired
The Moon and I
Waves of shadow
Bringing sadness
No clouds to cover
Chained by darkness
We’re afraid
The Moon and I
The sun, boasting of his blaze
Shines at the break of noon
Happy in his ever living glory
But we sing a different tune
We envy him
The Moon and I
Blood on the horizon
In the silence of dawn
Quietly dieing
It's for the stars we long
We're Gone
The Moon an I
The Moon and I
Endless Trees
Poison blue sky
A moonlit face
Hung way up high
We understand each other
The Moon and I
All alone
No stars around
Longingly looking
Toward the ground
We’re not so different
The Moon and I
Lonely journey
On the path oft tread
Doomed to repeat
Until we’re dead
We’re sisters
The Moon and I
Life of monotone
Locked in orbit
It’s the same old story
We’re tired
The Moon and I
Waves of shadow
Bringing sadness
No clouds to cover
Chained by darkness
We’re afraid
The Moon and I
The sun, boasting of his blaze
Shines at the break of noon
Happy in his ever living glory
But we sing a different tune
We envy him
The Moon and I
Blood on the horizon
In the silence of dawn
Quietly dieing
It's for the stars we long
We're Gone
The Moon an I
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years
Okay now it's time for my reflections and thoughts on 2007 and what lies ahead:
First of all: HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!
Ok now down to buisness...
I'll be the first to admit that not everything was good about 2007. First of all BUSH WAS OUR PRESIDENT. It was a year of war, lies, and great tragedy. We countinued a war that was built on a foundation of lies. We were run by a barely competent man. We sunk lower and lower into debt. We put wound after wound in our enviorment. Carbon emmissions went up and nobody cared. The did however care about the latest publicity stunt carried through by britney or paris and nicole or lindsay.
Despite all this, I can't help but think of the good things that happened to me when I think of 2007. I think about hanging out with my friends. I think about running around barefoot. I think about the signs we put up before Christmas baring the slogan "WAR IS OVER, If You Want It, Merry Christmas." I think about the plays I was in. I think about Macalester college (one of my fav places in the world). I think about partying. I think about dancing in the rain. I think about singing in the locker rooms. I think about sleepover. I think about movie nights. I think about being happy and free. And I think 2007 was a good year. Call me blind, deaf, and dumb, but I stand by it.
I also can't help of the possibilities that lie ahead in 2008. A new president. A new plan. A new chance to fight for peace. A new time to live and love. And a whole new set of memories. As I stood in a crowded room on New Years eve, surrounded by mostly strangers and slightly tipsy, I watched the ball drop in Times Square to the sound of Imagine by John Lennon (one of my fav songs) I couldn't help but to be filled with new hope at the prospect of what lies ahead. I don't know about you, but I'm excited.
First of all: HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!
Ok now down to buisness...
I'll be the first to admit that not everything was good about 2007. First of all BUSH WAS OUR PRESIDENT. It was a year of war, lies, and great tragedy. We countinued a war that was built on a foundation of lies. We were run by a barely competent man. We sunk lower and lower into debt. We put wound after wound in our enviorment. Carbon emmissions went up and nobody cared. The did however care about the latest publicity stunt carried through by britney or paris and nicole or lindsay.
Despite all this, I can't help but think of the good things that happened to me when I think of 2007. I think about hanging out with my friends. I think about running around barefoot. I think about the signs we put up before Christmas baring the slogan "WAR IS OVER, If You Want It, Merry Christmas." I think about the plays I was in. I think about Macalester college (one of my fav places in the world). I think about partying. I think about dancing in the rain. I think about singing in the locker rooms. I think about sleepover. I think about movie nights. I think about being happy and free. And I think 2007 was a good year. Call me blind, deaf, and dumb, but I stand by it.
I also can't help of the possibilities that lie ahead in 2008. A new president. A new plan. A new chance to fight for peace. A new time to live and love. And a whole new set of memories. As I stood in a crowded room on New Years eve, surrounded by mostly strangers and slightly tipsy, I watched the ball drop in Times Square to the sound of Imagine by John Lennon (one of my fav songs) I couldn't help but to be filled with new hope at the prospect of what lies ahead. I don't know about you, but I'm excited.
That's the sight of my friend Hope (aka da bird lady) so check it out she's pretty amazing
yea my new years blog comin in a min...
That's the sight of my friend Hope (aka da bird lady) so check it out she's pretty amazing
yea my new years blog comin in a min...
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