Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Joni Mitchell, you are too cool.

I'm listening to California
but I also love All I Want and many other fantastic pieces by her. She is so inspiring she fills me with hope. I'm kinda pissed right now cause my imagination is being really cruel. It keeps righting masterpieces in my head and then NOT REMBERING THEM LATER!!! But anywho my writings is alittle choppy right now I keep rigting a few great verses or lines then not being able to finish. Grrr. But I am almost done with my second full length song (the first one was crap) and I'm actually pretty proud of it. I can hear the vocal tune in my head and maybe I'll get my dad to help with some simple guitar cords I can play with it. That would be loverly. Oh and in other news I did a workshop this weekend called the Young Americans (you may have heard of them) it was such a great experience I met alot of great talented role models and it just futered my inspiration to perform. This is my personal philosophy:

I think we should all strive to change the world. I believe the best way to go about this is to share your story with others, really tare down your boundries and bare your soul, and maybe,just maybe people will listen. And maybe, just maybe they'll be effected and when thhat starts to happen that's when you change the world.

And this is my fav quote of mine:
When we stop looking for peace and hapiness we stop living.

So I'm going to go and try to finish a few poems(hopefully) and then try and sleep (doubtful) so yeah


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