Thursday, June 5, 2008

Xander and Landis's big adventure!

L: Xander posted that. we are in Mr.Walsh's PLTW class and I'm about to tickle xander.

X: It tickles
But its' true, Xander does rock, and this is DEFINTLY LANDIS TALKING

L: Ya right...... so anywho. ummmmmmmmmm. PEACHES! yup... we're a bit high and it's the second to last day of school and xander is going to write a story. YAY!

X: It'll win an Oscar

L: stories don't win oscars! It'll win like the pulitzer or something

X: That sounds like the name of an STD

L: ewwwww.... Alisha probably has it:) JK

X: I wonder if Maud Hart Lovelace was named that because she wore lacey underwear

L: umm your weird. this convo is over we have to go to our last period of reading with rousinn ever!!! Sadness:(

X: Oh No! Dr. Takeovertheworld is trying to take over the world! I must thwart him!


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