Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm pretty sure...
that everyone knows life is hard and a few people in mine need to GET OVER THEMSELVES or get the hell out cause i'm done.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twilight (the only such post)
Unless you live under a rock which is itself under a larger rock you know of the Twilight Books and the movie that has recently come out. I am not, infact, a "Twi-hard" and though I do THROGUHLY enjoy both the books AND the movie I am not insane. I did enjoy the movie enough to see it twice. Sure the acting got a little weak at parts and it veered from the book on a couple of things but that is the beauty of the series. It's not about those weakness's in the movie, or how stephenie meyer isn't a very good writer, or how the books themselves seem silly to outsiders. It is such a beautiful story of love that these things can't bring it down. So even though all us rational people know a vampire will never come along to sweep us off our feet, it keeps the hope of that things like love, chivalry, and true hapiness are still alive and well in these complicated times. It may not stand the test of time but for this generation of youth it is a much needed ray of light to cling to. That is my opinion. Done and Done.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gone Stark Raving Mad!!!
So this play really opened up a whole new world of friends to me. I made so many:):):) And I got so many firsts that I'll never forget. Like:
-First car crash
-first party at a firehouse
-first time getting my back cracked
-first time singin milkshake as a duet with an 18 year old boy
-first time I felt TRULY happy in a long while
I guess I've realized something about depression. It has NOTHING to do with other people or the way they interact with you. It is entirely internal. Realizing this I think I'm at a healthier place. I've finnaly got past blaming everybody for my problem. I know some people see me as a good person and I hope one day too live up too that. I still have trouble with my life sometimes but ultimately I see a future and I think thats all that really matters. Lord knows I'm not cured but I made a step ehh?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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