So this play really opened up a whole new world of friends to me. I made so many:):):) And I got so many firsts that I'll never forget. Like:
-First car crash
-first party at a firehouse
-first time getting my back cracked
-first time singin milkshake as a duet with an 18 year old boy
-first time I felt TRULY happy in a long while
I guess I've realized something about depression. It has NOTHING to do with other people or the way they interact with you. It is entirely internal. Realizing this I think I'm at a healthier place. I've finnaly got past blaming everybody for my problem. I know some people see me as a good person and I hope one day too live up too that. I still have trouble with my life sometimes but ultimately I see a future and I think thats all that really matters. Lord knows I'm not cured but I made a step ehh?
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