Sunday, November 1, 2009
Dear diary,
This coming week is opening week for father knows best. I'm so happy to have a good role w/ lines and all but it's made me realize acting for me will probably never be more than a hobby. I'm just not phenomonal. Meh. So anyway Friday was the concert night. I went w/ jostyn luke josh francis Laura and sydney. Everone was really chill and I hung out a bunch w/ laura which was great cause we are so close. The pic is actually her when she was my age.So yeah it was chill and we ate wendys, and she is a horrible driver and almost hit a whole row of mailboxes but it was very fun. The concert was very crazy. For bands played but Hyland and Love out loud were the only epic ones. There was lots of sweating and moshing and crowd surfing and candy, the way concerts should be. Then saturday morning I got up early to go volunteer for an how at the local old folks home. molly picked me and francis up and me and molly talked about how she got high with walker and joe hennen and Tobyramaswamy. pretty trippy. Kinda wish I had been with her especially since joe is my favorite. Oh well. The volunteering was boring and I mostly just danced around to this rap I was singing... anyways then I went home veged out for a little while, showered (finally at the concert the hot lead singer sprayed us with water/spit. funny but gross) andbut on jeans and a thermal to go get high and go trick or treating. Teddi was freaking out and making a big deal about being really secretive and alex was being a bitcha nd pretending like she had a phd in baking a bowl even though I know for a fact shes smoked a total of four times and didn't even really get it right till this time. She just thinks shes cool because she slut-ed her way into smoking with 3 stoner juniors at our school. Not even hot ones. Anyways I'm a little bitter and from now on I'M keeping our glass bowl with me. So anyways we gathered (me josh francis kari teddi Alex hall and jostyn)and went to trick or treat a few house before crawling into this little pine tree room that is the bowm to smoke in. We smoked like 20 bucks worth of pretty good shit and as everone started to leave me and josh stayed back to finish the bowl. he was being weird all night, sticking by my side, then flirting with kari, then flirting with me, then calling me his ex girlfriends name so... I have no idea whats going on with him and me. He keeps saying shit like we should chill sometime and "your the only girl I have ever told secrets too" but he's such a dick. I just wish we could be friends. who knows. So anyways we were throughly baked and then we trick or treated and laughed and I freaked out josh and fell down a muddy hill and died. It was awesome. We hung out at teddis a little while then and josh and francis played for me on their guitars. After they split and alex fream showed up the five us girls had girl talk, than smoked a few bowls. It was freams first time high and was trippy shit.I couldn't tell if she was faking it or not though. We watched Alice and wonderaland and freaked the fuck out then passed out in a pile.It was the best. My hair is in horrible nots though. then today i went shopping again to prepare for the play. i'm excited but nervous too a little atleast. Dress rehersal tomorrow I'll talk to you again when I get a minute!
Love Landis 8:01pm
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