Saturday, May 31, 2008

sorry it's short

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days been so busy with school and one of my friends is moving so we gunna have a kick ass party!! yeah so umm hang in there it'll all be over soon and than I have a 1 week break and then I'm off to mcalester!!! can't wait to see u megz! so yeah I'll post again when I have more time:) byeeeeee!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New stuff

I should really be studying for finals right now or ummmm doing homework yet here I am! So I realized I never told you about my adventures in the sewers! Now before you go all icky poo on me the weren't the human waste sewers the were just like water drainage sewers, but they were still FREAKIN sweet! Me my BFF's Jostyn xander & squeesha  and we explored the underground of our city!!!! it was sooo fun I will put up pics a soon as I get them:) but yeah ummm we're cooler than you:)  Soo any 1 know any could auditions in my area? i'm loooking for a good play for this summer incase I don't get the part in the Movie I want. Which would be sadifying:( But the coen bros a re def filming it here!!! YAY!!! in St. Louis Park!!!! SEX ON ICE BABYYYYY! so yeah i'm super  excited for those auditions! As soon as my "manager" gets me it:)  Oh incase you didn't know my dad manages me:) I love it cause he takes a productive role in my career while still being my father. He's been doing it since I was 6 and played in oliver,  and he does everything like buying me "an Actor prepares" An reminding me to do my Yoga and Meditate. I don't know what I'd do without him:) so yeah I guess I'll catch yall on the flip side! PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TO MEN!!!!!!(AND WOMEN!) 

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Beauty is impossible to define. 

Saturday, May 24, 2008


For the neglect. I realize it's been 2 months since I posted. 2! that's just insane so sorry again:( I was so busy with CATS and trying to keep my grades up and social shit that I completely neglected you! I've missed you old friend!!!! Um yeah so the school year is winding down and I am excited for the summer and hippieness and everything but.... and this is a bit strange..... but there is no sense of the milestone that I am about to pass. It's strange but I feel as if I've already down all my growing. Like I'm... idk..... done. It's a bit lonely. I feel sometimes as if I am watching as my life plays out across the screen. Biteing my nails at the scary bits. Giving myself advice I know I'll never hear. Awed by it at moments but knowing it will pass all too quickly. It's not a disconected feeling just an....... out of control feeling. Like I wish I could rewind or pause but.... I've lost the remote.