Saturday, May 24, 2008


For the neglect. I realize it's been 2 months since I posted. 2! that's just insane so sorry again:( I was so busy with CATS and trying to keep my grades up and social shit that I completely neglected you! I've missed you old friend!!!! Um yeah so the school year is winding down and I am excited for the summer and hippieness and everything but.... and this is a bit strange..... but there is no sense of the milestone that I am about to pass. It's strange but I feel as if I've already down all my growing. Like I'm... idk..... done. It's a bit lonely. I feel sometimes as if I am watching as my life plays out across the screen. Biteing my nails at the scary bits. Giving myself advice I know I'll never hear. Awed by it at moments but knowing it will pass all too quickly. It's not a disconected feeling just an....... out of control feeling. Like I wish I could rewind or pause but.... I've lost the remote.

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