Thursday, December 27, 2007


Something I wrote awhile thought I'd post it...


Shadows creep across the floor;
Hopes fly out the open door.
The spider swings from it's nest;
Made of silk and strings and dust.
Starlight sprinkles across the sky.
Moonlight streams as I ask why;
Why the earth turns so fast,
Why the good things never last.
Why our path is never clear.
Why our lives are filled with fear.
Why the journey is always rough.
Why we pretend to be strong and tough.
Why we work hard every day,
To find a sweeter, simpler way.
Thoughts as these swell, I recoil.
A lone wave in oceans termoil.
Goose bumps rise and mar my flesh.
I grasp for night's sleepy caress.
A snake of a tear down my cheek,
Diamonds never looked so bleak.

Umm yeah I'm done posting now I think (no promises (-; )


Oh yeah luv him!!
So anywho I'm obsessed with him, he is amazing, you're jealous blah blah blah...
Seriously anyone who reads this (not many) should check him out!
Here are my two fav clips of him.
So yeah sorry it's short but more later:)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007


I have an impulse, and those I usually follow. I want to tell you something. It's a secret that only a few of my closest friends know. Why oh Why would I be posting this on the web? Because A) this blog makes me feel uncharecteristicaly open with my life and B) Probably no one reads this and cares:). So here goes. My mom is insane. Not in the way that most mom's are insane but in the real padded room straight jacket crazy way. She has some mental illness that makes her extremely controling and anxious and sometimes violent. I usually don't tell people this because they laugh and think I am just bitching about my mom like any other random teenager. I'm not. My mom doesn't like when my brother and I go to school. She get's frightened when we cross the rood and some times she srubs the same dishes over and over again until her hands bleed. She has hit both my brother and I before. It gets very hard to live with. Sometimes almost unberable. she begs us to stop leaving the house and must control every accpect of our lifes. About a year ago my brother stopped talking. We're (meaning my father and I) not really sure why, but we are certain he hates his life, and probably us. My dad is the only one who keeps me going. He tells me she loves me, and I believe him. Sometimes I wish she'd love me a little less. It's hard to love her. She has mental breakdowns whenever I go to parties or sleepovers. My brother is leaving for college after next year and my dad thinks she might try to kill herself. It makes me so scared. Whoooo! I feel much better now that that is off my chest

Friday, December 7, 2007


Hey Bloggy peoples I want to know who you are! That's only alittle bit creepy:) Seriously though y'all should like comment me with your site names and we can become Blog BUddies! YAY! and that is only a tiny bit pathetic:).oooookaaaayyyyy. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do now... hmmmm... Well lets tell a funny story about my day and my friends. I gave a Clementine to Alisha cause she was jealous of the GIANT BOXES of them sitting all around our house. ( My dad decided he wanted to buy like 2000) For about half an hour she walked around going CLEMINTINE! at any one who looked at her. But hey that's just Alisha for you. She has a blog to it's so check it out! But um yeah then the other day Hope and I burst out of the locker rooms singing COME TOGETHER! at full volume. It was pretty special. Ya we've had some good times, like when there was white powder alll over someones locker and Hope said " I don't know what that is, but I wanna smoke it!", and then the time when alisha and I danced down the road in our tin foil hats:). The aliens where gonna klill us. I swear. Ok here is my challenge to all you peoples: The next time it rains, dance in it. The next time it snows, jump in head first in a t-shirt. Say hi to random people on the street. Smile. Laugh for know good reason. Skip to all your classes on monday. Next summer go barefoot. Spread peace. Be a rebel! Be different.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

General info and such

Hello Bloggy peoples!,

What a nice, hokey start to our new friendship. Okay, for a little bit about me: My name is Landis, although I'm more commonly known as the Masterful Landini. I live in Newtopia obviously. I'm a hippie. I'm a big beatles fan. I'm an non-conformist and have been described as the "artistic type". My entire life revovels aroud performing, it's my coke(and not the pop kind). I also love to write(especially poetry, see where the artsy thing comes from?), and love music more than air. Other than the Beatles I love Muse, the Arctic monkeys, the Used and many many more. I play the piano, cello, guitar, and my own personal set of pipes. I love being with my friends. I have been known to snort ovaltine. I love indie movies. The books in the Twilight series are amazing. I'm a vegitarian. I love the movie Across the Universe. I love Love. I also, apparently, love writing about myself. More later.*chhh* OVER AND OUT*chhh*